Are all Curcumin Products the Same?
Monday, March 25, 2019
One of the more popular supplements that is being advertised for relieving pain and many other conditions is curcumin. The class of compounds that curcumin is in is cleverly called curcuminoids, which are naturally occurring polyphenols, which have many different health benefits in the body. Curcumin is the main curcuminoid in the root turmeric, which
- Published in Functional Wellness and Chiropractic Center News
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Probiotics: What You Should Look For
Friday, November 09, 2018
Finding the Right Probiotic for You There are many common questions I get asked when it comes to what to look for in a probiotic. My answer to those questions are the same: it depends. There are some factors that people should look for with every probiotic, and there are also some factors that are
Foundational Five
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
In my previous blog, I mentioned that there was only so much that diet can do in today’s society because food isn’t as nutritionally dense as it was even a century ago. To make sure that we are living optimally, there needs to be some supplementation to compensate for nutritional discrepancies. I don’t make generalities
The Truth about your Supplements
Wednesday, November 01, 2017
The supplement industry is complex and confusing, here is what you need to know The supplement industry is a confusing industry to say the least. But two criteria to look at is guaranteed purity and potency. Since naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, and herbs cannot treat disease (according to the Food and Drug Administration) they are
- Published in General Wellness
Madison – Why Take A Supplement?
Thursday, June 01, 2017
Is Your Body Getting What It Needs? Even in a town like Madison with it’s wealth of health shops, healthy restaurants and farmers markets, it can be hard to know if your body is really getting all it needs. A dietary supplement is intended to provide nutrients that may otherwise not be consumed in sufficient
- Published in Functional Wellness and Chiropractic Center News