Probiotics: What You Should Look For
Friday, November 09, 2018
Finding the Right Probiotic for You There are many common questions I get asked when it comes to what to look for in a probiotic. My answer to those questions are the same: it depends. There are some factors that people should look for with every probiotic, and there are also some factors that are
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Psychobiotics and the Manipulation of Bacteria–Gut–Brain Signals
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Abstract Psychobiotics were previously defined as live bacteria (probiotics) which, when ingested, confer mental health benefits through interactions with commensal gut bacteria. We expand this definition to encompass prebiotics, which enhance the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. We review probiotic and prebiotic effects on emotional, cognitive, systemic, and neural variables relevant to health and disease.
- Published in Digestion, Gastrointestinal, Scientific Article
Probiotics And Gut Health
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Gut health is one of the foundations of health that is often dysfunctional and overlooked in many people in the United States. Gut health issues can manifest as many different signs and symptoms, including: anxiety, depression, skin disorders, bloating, bad breath (halitosis), brain fog, food sensitivities, and many other. One important aspect with gut health
- Published in Gastrointestinal, General Wellness