Functional Medicine
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
What is Functional Medicine and How is it Different from Conventional Medicine? One of the services I offer in my clinic is utilizing functional medicine. This is used to get people out of dysfunction and on their road to healing and wellness. A question I get asked quite often is, “What is functional medicine?”. Functional
- Published in Functional Wellness and Chiropractic Center News, Medicine
What is Functional Wellness?
Monday, January 15, 2018
Being the owner of Functional Wellness and Chiropractic Center, I get asked a lot, “What does functional wellness mean?” To be honest, when I was trying to come up with a name for my clinic I was trying to show that my clinic was more than just a chiropractic clinic. Wellness was going to be
- Published in Functional Wellness and Chiropractic Center News
What to do with Low Stomach Acid
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Are you someone who always has some sort of digestive issues going on? Chances are you have some degree of low stomach acid, also known as hypochlorhydria. Hypochlorhydria is a condition where the parietal cells of the stomach are not producing the correct amount of stomach acid to properly digest food. The absence of stomach
- Published in Digestion, Functional Wellness and Chiropractic Center News
Do you know about SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth)?
Tuesday, January 02, 2018
One condition that is fairly common in my clinic and is starting to get a lot of attention by more practitioners is something called Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (also known as SIBO). SIBO is essentially a subclinical infection of translocated bacteria from the colon to the ileum (distal small intestine). This can cause a wide
- Published in Digestion, Functional Wellness and Chiropractic Center News
Bioelectric Impedance Analysis/Body Composition Readings
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Bioelectric Impedance Analysis Bioelectric impedance analysis, also known as BIA, is a quick and painless way to measure a person’s body composition. The BIA can measure and track changes in the amounts of body fluids, fat, bone mineral content, and lean body mass, which includes your muscles and organs. The way it is done is
Foundational Five
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
In my previous blog, I mentioned that there was only so much that diet can do in today’s society because food isn’t as nutritionally dense as it was even a century ago. To make sure that we are living optimally, there needs to be some supplementation to compensate for nutritional discrepancies. I don’t make generalities
My Goal for My Patients
Friday, December 08, 2017
My goal for my patients is to never see them in my clinic again. Hopefully they’ll be living a healthy lifestyle that doesn’t require office visit to any healthcare provider, including myself. That’s a lofty goal, but I do think that people should be as independent as possible with their healthcare. Only requiring the rare
- Published in Functional Wellness and Chiropractic Center News
What to do about that Sprained Ankle
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
What to do about that Sprained Ankle Ankle sprains by definition is a sprain to ligaments (not muscles or tendons) in the ankle. Ankle sprains in modern day athletics are common. They make up 30% of all sports related injuries. Ankle sprains occur most when lots of jumping, running, and quick changes in direction are
How Chiropractic Can Save Your Company Money in Healthcare Costs
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
The Cost of Healthcare For a company to stay open and serve the community, keeping costs low in a moral way is crucial. Healthcare plans are often discussed and changed for companies looking to save some money. The United States has the most expensive healthcare system, and as 3 trillion-dollar industry you would figure that
- Published in Functional Wellness and Chiropractic Center News
My Journey to Chiropractic School
Thursday, September 28, 2017
The Beginning My journey to chiropractic school essentially started in high school. While I was in high school, I took a lot of science classes and exceled in those sciences classes. Out of those sciences classes, my favorite was Anatomy and Physiology. During that class, I developed a thirst for knowledge about the human body
- Published in Functional Wellness and Chiropractic Center News