What is Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehab (FAKTR)?
Friday, February 02, 2018
Soft tissue therapy is one form of therapy that gets utilized quite often in my clinic, which deals with any pain or dysfunction of muscle, ligaments, tendons, and/or fascia. The times I utilize soft tissue therapy is when there has been some overuse or trauma to a particular area and when there is still a
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What to do about that Sprained Ankle
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
What to do about that Sprained Ankle Ankle sprains by definition is a sprain to ligaments (not muscles or tendons) in the ankle. Ankle sprains in modern day athletics are common. They make up 30% of all sports related injuries. Ankle sprains occur most when lots of jumping, running, and quick changes in direction are
Find Out What You Can Do About Your Knee Pain
Wednesday, November 08, 2017
Why does my knee hurt? Knee pain is a common issue in my clinic, as well as the United States. 19.5% of the US population in 2010 had some sort of knee pain, which encompasses both acute and chronic conditions. Acute knee pain is when there is some sort of traumatic event. A patient can
- Published in Musculoskeletal